
A no-brainer pricing for a product that pays for itself many times over.

Limited previewView high level statistics
  • Account sharing
  • Repeat sign-ups
  • Fake accounts
  • Automated challenges
  • 7 day data exploration
  • 2FA custom copy
  • Webhooks
Start for free
$299  / month
Includes 2,000 MTUs
Then $0.15 per additional MTU
  • Account sharing
  • Repeat sign-ups
  • Fake accounts
  • Automated challenges
  • 7 day data exploration
  • 2FA custom copy
  • Webhooks
Try for free
Custom MTUsYearly discounts available
  • Everything in Premium
  • Team permissions
  • CS training sessions
  • Custom contract & SLA
  • 1 year data exploration
  • 2FA custom copy
  • Webhooks
  • Quarterly reviews
Contact us

Estimate your growth

Our customers see a 5-10% increase in revenue within a few months. Use this calculator to estimate your potential growth.

Target accounts
Potential new users
Converted users
Increasing revenue by
+ $58,800 / month
Total ARR increase
+ $705,600 ARR

    Frequently asked questions

  • Do you offer annual billing and discounts?

    Yes, we offer annual billing and discounts. Please contact us for further details.

  • What is a monthly tracked user (MTU)?

    A monthly tracked user is any user you actively track on Rupt during a given month.

  • How much time does it take to integrate Rupt?

    Most companies integrate Rupt in a single day (often less). The integration effort is similar to adding basic Google Analytics. If you need assistance with the integration, please contact us

  • Do you provide custom contracts or SLAs?

    Yes. The Enterprise plan includes custom contracts and SLAs. Please contact us for further details.

  • How is Rupt different from other tools?

    Rupt focuses on growth. This allows us to provide unique insights that other tools don't offer. Our focus also allows us to provide ready-made components to prevent leaks and grow revenue.

  • Can you provide support integrating Rupt?

    Yes. If you need assistance integrating Rupt, please contact us. We will send you a link to schedule a live call with an engineer who can guide you to integrate Rupt onto your product in minutes.

Get a free audit of how much revenue is lost to fraud on your product for free.

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